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Monday, January 23, 2012

G9 Tech Class #7

Dear G9 students,
Greetings from Mexico city! I attach below a picture I took from the plane while landing in Mexico city. I will try and get another picture that shows more of Mexico City for tomorrow :-)
Today please continue working on your Investigation stage which is due by the end of today. Please visit the G9 Due Dates webpage for Project 1 to plan accordingly.

Review the information posted in last class' blog post regarding:
  • your 'problem': Design, build and test an aesthetically pleasing, yet economical bridge to replace the Clifton Suspension Bridge.  How will you solve this challenge?
  • the basic design specifications (materials, cost, scale)
  • and what you need to include in your Investigation stage.
You can use the G9 Investigation Template shared document to work collaboratively online.

Remember to make your Process Journal entry of the day. You can use this Process Journal shared Doc template.

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