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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

G9 Tech Class #10

Today we will start working on Plan!

The main idea in the Plan stage is that you can organize yourselves on what will be done (building your bridge!), when and with what resources. The Plan stage needs to:
    1. make a detailed step by step list of tasks/instructions on how your chosen Design will be created/built (think as if someone else will built/create your product based on these instructions)
    2. show a timeline of tasks and resources that will guide you through the next stage: Create. Use the Gantt and CPM (Critical Path Method usually used together with PERT) concepts we talked about in class: simultaneously, overlapping and sequence.
    3. Include evidence of planning for materials and resources usage
    4. Make any modifications you considered needed to your chosen design
    A couple suggested tools for Plan stage can be the following:
    WA Expansion reports - Timeline examples:

    Remember that you can always use the Design Folder Checklist to make sure your stage is complete.
      Don't forget to check the G9 Due Dates to stay on task. Plan is due today and record your progress in your Process Journal

      Please review my comments regarding your submitted assignments and see me if you have anything missing. You can submit Design today for 50% of the grade. Thanks!

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