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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

G9 Tech Class #3

Welcome to the second week of the second semester!

Following our activity last class, we will continue developing the mind map on the Design Cycle. Today we will complete the Design Cycle by working on the stages: Plan, Create and Evaluate.

Continue working collaboratively with your partners to complete the mind map today. The final piece of work is due by the end of this class.

Since this assignment has been developed with a variety of tools that not all of them allow for showing your Design Cycle Mind Map on one screen/image that can be submitted following the how to submit your Assignments in Technology class details, we will present your final products at the end of class.

30 minutes before the period ends all groups will present their Mind Map. Each group will have 5 minutes to present.

Remember what standards your final product needs to include! You can make sure you have a complete assignment by visiting the information posted in the MYP Technology Docs webpage.

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