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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

G9 Tech Class #22

Today we will continue working with Spreadsheets:

Continuing last class' exercise 3. Sorting/Graphing/Percentages/Average: 

Part II:
Make your Percentage formula with a cell reference to the Max Grade cell using fixed cell reference (absolute range). Eg: 100

- Change the Max Grade in cell F2 to 200 and then change it again to 130 and see what happens to the results.
- Insert 2 columns between the columns named Grade and Percentage.
- Label those columns as Assignment/Test 2 and Grade 2.
- Complete these columns with assignments/test and grades information.
- Insert 1 column between the columns named Percentage and Max Grade.
- Label it: Average
- Under the Average column enter the formula to calculate the average between Grade and Grade 2.

- Insert three rows at the top
- Merge the rows and columns into one and add the title: "Students Grades for Spreadsheets class".

Part III:
- Select columns: Assignment/Test and Grade (including the header row)
- Insert a Bar Chart (What is this?)
- Place the graph/chart right under these columns Assignment/Test and Grade 
- Analyze the information graphed

- Repeat the same process using columns Assignment/Test 2 and Grade 2 (including the header row)
- select columns, insert bar chart, place graph under those columns, analyze the information graphed)

4. Mix and Match:
- Add a new Sheet and label it: 'My Challenge' 
- Create a challenge spreadsheet exercise including instructions, examples, etc for another group/student to solve. 
- It has to include the following design specifications:
  1. use header rows
  2. sequence numbering
  3. sorting ascending and descending
  4. insert columns and rows
  5. column and row merge
  6. format title (font, color, size, shading, etc)
  7. three different formulas
  8. one fixed cell reference
  9. copy/cut and paste information
  10. insert a graph (pie, bar, etc)
  11. format the graph: change the Title: font & color, the colors of the bars/pie pieces, etc)
Type all the instructions and information on your "My Challenge" sheet. You can merge 5 columns by 5 rows for it.

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