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Friday, March 2, 2012

G9 Tech Class #21

Today it's our first class in March!
Let's continue working on our spreadsheets!

2. Sorting 2: Go back to your sheet labelled 'Student List' and copy the set of data twice below leaving 2 black rows between each set. IN all, you will have 3 sets. Sort the groups by:
- alphabetically by Name
- alphabetically by last Name
ascending by Age

Insert two rows at the top of each set of data. 
Merge the three columns and two rows into once cell. 
Type a title for each set of data explaining what the data is about. Eg: 
Student List sorted alphabetically (descending).
Change the font, formatting, etc any way you want (fonts, colors, shading, borders, etc...)

3. Sorting/Graphing/Percentages: In a new sheet labelled 'Teacher' create a set of data that shows the names of 15 actors/singers (as your students), the name of the assignment/test, and the grade they received (max=100). Add a column to number your students to the left. 
- Add a column/cell: Max Grade and type 100 under the title.
- Header row can be eg: Student # | Name | Assignment/Test |  Grade | Percentage | Max Grade
- Add a formula under the Percentage Title that shows what percentage of 100 each student received.

We will continue working on this exercise next class.

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