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Friday, April 13, 2012

G9 Tech Class #33

Today we will continue learning about Alice.

  • launch Alice in your laptop
  • visit the Tutorial (if you have not done so before)
  • load one of the worlds that already contains a few objects, for example: Ice
  • add an object to your 'Alice world'. You can use the online gallery of objects and drag and drop it in the 'Alice world.' For example: a skater
  • test the methods the object knows (use right click on the object to call the object's methods)
  • by selecting the object in the object tree we will get a list of the animations the object knows how to do) 
  • to get the object to 'move', drag move on to your MyFirstAnimation. 
  • when you drop 'move' you will get a menu to specify the details. For example: Forward, 1 meter
  • test by Playing your world and see what the skater does. 
to continue with sequencial programming we will add more:
  • make the skater turn left 1 revolution (complete turn)
what does the skater do now?

To address concurrency, we can make the skater perform two activities simultaneously:
  • Use Do Together to execute all the methods inside simultaneously:
  • at the same time the skater moves forward, make her raise her left leg
To address repetition, you can make the skater turn multiple times
  • Use Loop to make the skater  turn 3 times.
If you would like the skater to perform a task based on specific situation, you can use If 

Please continue to test different ideas!

For today, please create a method  that will have the following specifications:
  • use an existing world
  • insert an object
  • make the object perform at least 5 different things
  • use Do Together, If and Loop for the object to compete a specific task (retrieve another object, perform an action: skate, dance, walk, etc)

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