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Monday, February 27, 2012

G9 Tech Class #19

Today we will continue working on spreadsheets.

Last class we worked on Activity 1 (Part 1&2) as well as on Activity 8 posted in our last class' blog post: Tech Class #18.

To continue making progress with Project 2, let's cover some Spreadsheets basics as the vocabulary:
  • sheet
  • cells
  • columns
  • rows
  • row heading
  • cell reference
  • name box
  • formula bar
We can watch this short video to get started:

Getting acquainted tasks:

1. The Basics: make a list of your class in a spreadsheet including the following information: your classmates' names, last name and age. Each piece of information should be  in different columns labeled Name, Last Name and Age. Add a column to number each row/student. Header row should be purple and the numbers column should be light yellow. Name the Sheet 'Students List'.

2. Calculating: Add a new Sheet to your spreadsheet where we will make a balance spreadsheet. Name it 'Balance'. Include columns for date, item description, debit, credit, and balance. Format the cells to show $ for the content when applicable. Title row should be boldfaced and green. Apply calculations to the balance column so that any debits and credits are applied to the balance automatically. Pick one website--iTunes' Top 100 songs, for example-- and you have a $25 budget, and you need to use the balance sheet to figure out what combination of purchases would best maximize your budget. Add the debit and credit columns (at the bottom).

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