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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

G9 Tech Class #17

Today I would like you to use the first part of the class to check on the comments on your assignments and resubmit updates if needed. Also please follow up on missing assignments to avoid "0s" or "Ms" in your grades. Please visit the G9 Tech Class Blog for details and expectations for each stage.

Therefore If you need some time to finish the last details of your products from Project 1 to turn them in today, please work on the first thing today (20 min aprox).

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Today we will also begin with Project 2: Shares Tracking using Spreadsheets

The Project is going to be about keeping track of our investments using spreadsheets.
We will be investigating how shares in companies work and we will be improving our spreadsheet skills.

The dynamic of  Project 2 would be the following:
  • Regroup for this project with someone who you haven't work with in Project 1.
  • get starte with Part 1 and Part 2 of Activity 1 on the NYSE (listed below)
  • make notes and complete the activity on a new shared document with your new group.
  • Please name this assignment: Project 2- Activity 1

1. Let's get started with "The Stock Market and you"

Please complete Part 1 and Part 2 of Activity1 from The NYSE Up Close and Personal ACtivity Booklet.

2. In your new group's shared doc, write down your answers and ideas to complete ACtivity 1 (parts 1 &2).

3. If you have time, please add some guiding questions about the Stock Market and tracking shares that can be included in your Investigation stage.

4. Work on Activity 8: 
Can we be internationally minded here? Is NYSE the only stock exchange in the world? Do you know any other Stock Markets?

Please finish Activity 1 (parts 1 and 2) and Activity 8.

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