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Monday, February 6, 2012

G9 Tech Class # 12

Today we continue working on Create stage. Review the G9 Due dates webpage to help 
you stay on task.

In Create stage remember to fully develop:

1. Your Process Journal
2. Explain tools and techniques you used to create 
your product
3. Talk about your time management
Did you follow your time plan? How?
4. Changes made to your chosen design? Why? How?

You can always use the Design Folder Checklist to make 
sure your Create stage is complete. For more details in 
Create stage visit last class' blog entry.

Your Create stage as well as your product are due by the end of today. 

I have returned grades and comments for all the assignments that were submitted. 
Please review them as a group. You can make updates to those stages and 
re-submit them for a second assessment for that stage.

As stated in the Assignments Standards, if you make changes and/or updates to 
your documents please please please use the Track Changes feature (what is this?) 
so it is evident how you further developed the stage.

If you are working on The Cloud, you can read more about this feature in the 
Google Docs Blog entry on Tools for Viewing Docs Revisions.
You can also visit Google Docs Revision History with step by step instructions on 
how to use Revision History. 

Or if you prefer, you can make your own track changes reference, but it should
be very evident what was added to the assignment for the 2nd assessment.

To resubmit again, download your shared doc as a pdf and follow the 
steps to submit and assignments posted in the MYP Technology website.


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