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Monday, April 23, 2012

G9 Tech Class #36

Following the Due Dates for Project 3 we will start working on Design stage today.

Please organize your group members' roles to start working on Design stage. 

For this stage, remember to come up with different options for your public announcement, and choose one.

  • Include a variety of different designs for you public announcement/animation (at least 3)
  • Include a sketch for each design
  • Explain every part of each design
  • For explaining your designs, please use different techniques like story boards, graphs, labelled diagrams with explanations, etc.
  • Evaluate each design critically against the design specifications (assess what design specs that you listed in Investigation stage, each design meets or not)
  • Choose one design to program using Alice
  • Justify your choice of design that you will be programming
  • Look at Due Dates for Project 3 and plan accordingly.

  • Don't forget to make your journal entry of the day. Based on today's progress, I would suggest including the sketches of your designs as visual evidence!

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